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Spirituality; thoughts realisation originality


I consider myself a wonderer, a tiny creature in this vast multiverse. I often think to myself about so many things. (A quick fact: A normal person gets around 60,000 thoughts a day.) Maybe this thought is about  finances, your family and friends, your wishes, your ambition or your trauma. Alot of these thoughts, almost 99% comes from extrenal factor. This are all influenced . SO where is your own thoughts?



Trust me i dont consider myself a spiritual person  but i do believe on laws. Laws of thoughts. Laws of nothingness.

Law of nothingness


Internally who are you?

What essence do you carry?

All the conflicting voices from outside and your own unique voice, when do you hear those?

When do you express those and realise it?

The true solution is meditation.

Meditation is realising your nothingness. Its touching a part of your soul where thoughts come from. When you’re able to do it you can subside all the outside voices and truly listen to your own voice. You can find your internal voice and this is true vibration and manifestation starts occuring.

You will have a new eye and you’re able to see solutions to your everyday problems. A fresh start, a fresh perspective. You become so much powerful and creative.

Thatswhen true wonder starts occuring in your life.

Law of thoughts


  60k thoughts a day.

Which direction are you gonna get pulled to today?

How do you eliminate unwanted thoughts?

How do you get thoughts relating to your passion, goals and aims in your life.

If you experience first law i.e law of nothingness you already only have very powerful thoughts with you.

What is thought?

Thoughts are  exentials. As  thoughts are to be  things if they are able to express themselves. Thoughts that originated from you they are yours. What thoughts belong to you? Once you know this , you are so powerful.

As everything in this world is a thought vibration. Every thought can change your life. Every thought is potent(ability to become true).Whats the point of getting powerless thoughts when you could be getting authentic powerful thought.

I am telling you thoughts manifests. Choose wisely.

Law of destination


Every thought that was originated from you could  be a destiny. 

But do you know,

Whats your goal ?

Whats your purpose?

What do you want?

If your mind doesn’t know what it desires  than thoughts are useless. These thoughts can stress you more as its influenced by external factors. Like a saying goes

   “If one doesn’t know where they are going,  they are going nowhere”. 

It is very important for thoughts that also includes goal for it to become reality. One should take time to figure out  their goals. Goals that are clear related to their life, education, finances, health,  relationships and  spirituality. But for that to happen one should experience nothingness and thoughts vibration internally.Once they are able do that,  their all thoughts will have intention and power . These true intention will then manifest creating their inner voice come true which defines their destiny. 

I tell you fate isn’t a miracle, its a power you own to control your destiny.



Once one knows their goal its time to work on strength. Everything that has been created in this world was once a thought that was made true. For these one needs a strength, hardwork and  competitiveness. An  individual’s inner strength and resilience determine their ability to overcome challenges and achieve success. 

How will one start bringing these thoughts to reality?

The answer lies on yourself. All they need to do is self reflection by diving deep into their hearts to realise their true potential. One should fully understand themselves and utilise their inner resources which every human possess. As a saying goes

If you were given a thought, you were also given the ability to attract it.

All goals has competences  they need to go through to come true. But these matches our destiny.

If one  can dream about something, one  also make it come true.



Fifth law i.e law of cooperation .

This law tells us that people achieve better outcomes when they work together harmoniously rather than in competition or conflict. .  Their collective effort often yields better results than individualistic approach

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